我们将与展商、观众及合作伙伴们继续保持紧密联系与合作,为展会做更全面的准备。我们也将推出SWTF online的线上服务,为展商和业内买家搭建沟通桥梁,支持旅游同行们在特殊时期开拓业务,助力企业疫后重获商机。
Dear Exhibitors, Visitors and Partners,
Over four months have already passed from the outbreak of COVID-19 in China and the economy has gradually started the recovery process, the exhibitions and conferences are being allowed to be celebrated in several areas of China. However, the world travel industry still remains affected by the pandemic, especially considering that cross-border travel has almost stopped completely and, for the moment, it is still unclear when the sector can resume regular activities.
In order to honor the responsibility towards its participants, SWTF organizing committee has, during this period of time, continuously gathered feedbacks and suggestions from its partners, collaborators and clients, assessing thus the situation and anticipating the future developments. Through these consultations, it was evident that holding SWTF at a later time would be most suitable for all the participants. For these reasons, we have decided for the 17th edition of Shanghai World Travel Fair (SWTF), initially scheduled to take place from July 30th to August 2nd 2020, to be postponed to 2021.
We will continue to work closely with exhibitors, visitors and partners to prepare in a comprehensive way for the next edition of the show. In the meantime, we plan to launch a series of SWTF online services as a bridge to enhance the communication between exhibitors and buyers, provide important content and knowledge sharing opportunities and assist the companies in finding new business opportunities after the pandemic.
We would also like to take this chance to thank everyone for supporting SWTF and we look forward to meeting all of you soon!
Shanghai World Travel Fair Organizing Committee
June, 2020